Brandywine, Hazleton, Lehigh Valley, Schuylkill, Scranton, York *

Rates Effective 2025 Fall Semester

  Per Academic Year Full-Time* Per Semester Part-Time Per Credit
Pennsylvania Residents:      
   Lower Division Including Associate:      
      Freshmen & Sophomore 14,624 7,312 605
   Upper Division:      
      Junior & Senior: 15,786 7,893 648
   Business, EMS, Science, IST, Engineering 26,278 13,139 1,095
   All Other Programs 24,896 12,448 1,037
   Graduate Assistantships, Fellowships 21,620 10,810 -

* Tuition is assessed based on a student's resident or non-resident status, campus location, level (associate, lower, upper, or graduate), major (in some cases), and credit load. For undergraduate students, tuition is charged per credit up to 12 credits. Students taking 12 – 19 credits will be charged a flat tuition rate. Undergraduate students taking more than 19 credits will be charged the flat tuition rate plus the regular per credit hour rate for each credit above 19. College of Medicine medical students will be assessed the full-time flat rate for any semester that exceeds 8 credits.

Brandywine, Hazleton, Lehigh Valley, Schuylkill, Scranton, York *

Rates Effective 2025 Fall Semester

  Per Academic Year Full-Time* Per Semester Part-Time Per Credit
Non-Pennsylvania Residents:      
   Lower Division Including Associate:      
      Freshmen & Sophomore 25,056 12,528 1,044
   Upper Division:      
      Junior & Senior: 26,200 13,100 1,092
   Business, EMS, Science, IST, Engineering 34,354 17,177 1,431
   All Other Programs 32,834 16,417 1,368
   Graduate Assistantships, Fellowships 21,620 10,810 -

* Tuition is assessed based on a student's resident or non-resident status, campus location, level (associate, lower, upper, or graduate), major (in some cases), and credit load. For undergraduate students, tuition is charged per credit up to 12 credits. Students taking 12 – 19 credits will be charged a flat tuition rate. Undergraduate students taking more than 19 credits will be charged the flat tuition rate plus the regular per credit hour rate for each credit above 19. College of Medicine medical students will be assessed the full-time flat rate for any semester that exceeds 8 credits.

NOTE: Specific tuition rates for each student by campus, level and program can be accessed by using the Tuition Calculator

Cost of Attendance

Institutions must publicly make available on any website that discusses tuition and fees a list of all of their Cost of Attendance elements.

The Cost of attendance (COA) is a budget for billable and non-billable expenses to attend Penn State for one academic year. Your COA is one determining factor of your financial aid eligibility.

In addition to tuition and fees detailed above, below are the other COA elements. These figures represent per semester costs for Fall or Spring. COA elements for Summer may be less than what appears on this chart based on length of student enrollment and number of credits.


On Campus1 Without Dependents

(per semester)

On Campus1 With Dependents

(per semester)

Off Campus

(per semester)

With Parent2

(per semester)

Food $3,170 $3,170 $3,170 $3,170
Housing $4,372 $4,047 $5,968 $4,936
Books, Course Materials, Supplies, and Equipment $600 $600 $600 $600
Transportation $1,071 $1,071 $1,071 $1,071
Miscellaneous $1,591 $1,591 $1,591 $1,591

1 On campus housing is not offered at every campus location.

2 With parent is only applicable to dependent students living at home with parent(s).

The COA figures provided above are for full-time enrollment and will be adjusted for less-than-half-time enrollment.

Section 472 of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (HEA), as amended, includes these additional allowable costs for qualifying students.

  • Dependent care costs*
  • Cost of obtaining a license, certification, or first professional credential
  • Costs for study abroad programs
  • Disability-related expenses*
  • Cooperative education program employment costs*
  • Fees for federal student loans

An asterisk (*) indicates the need for the student to contact the Office of Student Aid to inquire about the additional cost allowance.

Tuition and fees rates apply regardless of the instructional mode (that is, whether in-person or otherwise) and will not be refunded in the event the instructional mode changes during the Academic Year.